APL and PL Training Day Two
After a "good night's sleep" we were up and raring to go! We cooked our own breakfast, a fry up with eggy bread, which was good, even if it took FOREVER to wash up!
We only just finished the tidying up when everybody else arrived. After falling in we played "human basketball" only we weren't allowed to use a ball; we used a lance instead! To score you had to stab the member of your team who was acting as a hoop with the end of it. When we finished three challenges and an axemanship session had been set up for us to work on. Each team started at a different post so everyone got the same amount of time on each activity. Therefore the order the challenges are posted in below isn't necessarily the "right" order.
One challenge involved crossing over the car park without touching anything except some boxes and planks of wood. However, they had a limited amount of time and the crates couldn't touch the floor either. If anyone or any crate touched the ground, the whole team had to restart. Another activity involved one member of patrol being injured and the others having to make a stretcher to transport them, to the Hospital on. They were given four poles and a large box of ropes and told that they had everything they needed, which they did. However, not everything they were given was needed to make the stretcher. The best way was to put two poles inside the sleeve holes in two zipped up coats. The final challenge was to fry an egg on a piece of tin foil, first making the fire. Unfortunately, while several teams managed to get the right idea with their eggs and "pans" it was very windy and the fires failed to stay alight. The only group which seemed to be "failing" actually dropped their egg on their floor and it was almost tot
ally lost. The axemanship was run with expert leader supervision with the PLs and APLs showing the others the basics.
When everybody else had gone home, the Leaders finished off with an evaluation and a final game of "Extreme Rupture Cone"!!
Labels: challenges, Cuffley, leadership, Scouts, stretcher
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